Santri Boy
The story of three students, Badrun, Sinyo, and Goni who face exciting problems and experiences at Islamic boarding schools.
This is the story of three students, Badrun, Sinyo, and Goni who faced exciting problems and experiences at the Padhang Mulan Islamic Boarding School.
They told about their life in the pesantren and its environment, where they studied and tried to maintain religious morals and preserve local traditions and customs.
Santri Boy shows examples of good behavior and tolerance through various characters in each episode. Students' daily lives are packaged in simple stories in easy-to-understand language, which also contain moral messages that are very important for children.
They told about their life in the pesantren and its environment, where they studied and tried to maintain religious morals and preserve local traditions and customs.
Santri Boy shows examples of good behavior and tolerance through various characters in each episode. Students' daily lives are packaged in simple stories in easy-to-understand language, which also contain moral messages that are very important for children.
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