Roh Garuda 3D

Garuda's spirit of peace will stop the evil forces of Lingga.

Roh Garuda 3D
The show tells about the adventure of the successor of Roh Garuda against evil spirits to maintain world harmony. A mysterious spirit appears again in the human world. Linga, the mysterious evil spirit, comes back to life to fulfill a prophecy that was once delivered 600 years ago.

Fortunately, Roh Garuda was also reincarnated to fight him in the form of four heroes who mastered the power. They are Bhi, Neka, Tonggal, Iieka, and Esa. The five heroes will continue the battle of Roh Garuda to fight the evil spirit.Join them in their quest to find the "starstone" that holds the power to determine the fate of the world. The starstone is the key to the power of Roh Garuda and Linga.The starstone must be found soon to bring peace and safety to the world once again.

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