Tawa Sutra

A short comedy starring many famous comedians such as Peppy, Steny Agustaf, Sabria Kono, Arie Untung, Aldi Taher, Daus Mini, etc.

Tawa Sutra
A comedy show that contains a collection of short comedies with one punch line, starring many famous comedians such as Peppy, Steny Agustaf, Sabria Kono, Arie Untung, Aldi Taher, Daus Mini, Angela Lee, Bopak, Melky Bajaj and others.

Apart from that, Tawa Sutra also invited many guest stars, including Jennifer Bachdim, Olla Ramlan, Marissa Nasution, Deddy Corbuzier, Nia Daniaty, and others.

Tawa Sutra is always supported by story sketches that are very close to the viewers' daily lives.

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